When you have your own house and the liberty to make it look like your dream home, then you have a lot of options in your hands to fulfill that dream. Interior design Geelong is one of the avenues that people go ahead to explore about how they can make their house look like a work of art. If you are someone is very picky about their taste, then you won’t rely on someone else to do the job for you. But don’t worry, we have you covered. If you are someone who just moved in to their new home and looking to make it look fabulous or someone just looking to revamp their room, we’ve got some great tips to pimp up the place!
Light or Dark?
If your rooms are relatively small, it is better to use lighter colors for painting your walls since it makes the room look a lot more spacious. Darker shades have a tendency to make rooms look cluttered and small. So, go for light over dark shades! You can go for the same rule for your wallpapers as well. Gradient ones make for a nice wallpaper style for your hallways and transition areas.
Mirror, Mirror
If your room is situated in a place where there is limited sunlight access, then add mirrors! Mirrors reflect light and become a source of instant light for your room. So, without having to add multiple light sources or risking your room looking shady, mirrors can save the day and make your room look lit up and absolutely ravishing from an aesthetic point of view.
Lights and Switches
The lights you choose for your room are essential. LED lights are not just aesthetically pleasing but are also quite cost effective. You can add a bunch of them around in your room without draining your budget into your bills. After lights, make sure the switches are pretty too! Old style switches can be a knock down for your overall room’s elegant persona. Go for some fancier light switches to compliment your overall décor.
Get Artsy
If your walls look empty you can go ahead and be artistic with them. For instance, you can go for artsy wallpapers or textured ones that give a more sophisticated look to your walls. You can even opt for textured wallpapers that add the element of finesse. Other than that, if you are not into having your walls painted over, then try some paintings instead. They add a touch of cultural appropriation. You can opt for an abstract art or maybe even something scenic. One more thing you can try to add an artistic touch to your house is consider antiquities. A vintage desk or a show piece never fails to amaze your guests and of course, looks classy as ever.