House Painting in Melbourne

Before painting, your project needs prior preparation if quality finishing is anticipated in your exterior or interior painting project. Your interior painting should use environmentally friendly paints while the exterior painting should have a variety of colours that you love. If you are planning a makeover of your house or painting your new building, Amazing Painting Melbourne can assist you if you need consultation on the type of paints suitable for your project.

Preparation before painting

After booking an appointment with the painters and already they have given you their schedule, you need to move away from your valuables to stores or outdoor and don’t bother about heavy objects like furniture; they will handle that themselves. Things like wall picture frames and the like is what you should clear from your building but still if you don’t have time to do it, the painters themselves will handle provided you give them the space to keep them safe.

To start with, the painters will cover the floors with canvas clothes to protect your floors and window glasses and other crucial places where they need to protect them from paint. Once that is done, stripping, sanding and filling uneven surfaces will follow and finally the base coating. After that, the real painting will follow.


Getting the right finishing is a perfect way to complete the painting project, not only that, it will leave your clients happy that they got the right people for the right project. If your project was restoring or feature walls, you may need special coatings done. To ensure the final shining results that will never disappoint your client, you need to perform a thorough preparation to make sure nothing goes amiss. Impeccable high-gloss finishing is recommended because they will leave your project look like it is new.  To ensure perfect finishing painting, tools like rollers, brushes and sprayers need to be used in their appropriate places. Two coats should be applied to ensure a perfect finish, especially where there was a clashing colour to the ones preferred previously.

Quality workmanship

Painting a project is not as simple as it looks. Anybody can apply paint to the walls, and it takes a professional painter to craft a perfect painting that will last and gloss for a long time. There is no point for you to paint the exterior walls of your property if it is only going to last for a year or less, but with quality workmanship executed by professionals, you are guaranteed that your paint will last for not less than five good years. It is worthy of your money, and you can take it to the bank if you got qualified painting professionals doing your project. A professional painter aside from quality finishes, they can inspect for the faults on your timber, like wood flakes or decayed timber and recommend the best treatment to those areas before painting is done.

Duration of the painting project

It matters a lot. Nobody would want inconveniences caused to you and your family stretching over two weeks or a month. That is too much to stomach. You should interrogate the painters before the commencement to ascertain the duration of the project so that you can arrange for the period. The painting that is done for a long time due to poor workmanship and manpower can dig deeper into your pockets assuming you are going to reside in a hotel until the painting is done.